What's for dinner tonight?! Support the NW Track team's fundraiser tonight between 4-8pm at Chipotle. You can even order online and pick it up! See the flyers for more information.
Please watch this week's video update:
Topics: Board Meeting Date Changed, Ohio Valley Hospital, Covid Update, and Levy Information.
Please watch this week's video update.
Topics: Next School Year and Spring Break!
The 2021-2022 School Calendar was approved at last night's board meeting. Follow the link:https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1175985/Exhibit_2-_2021-2022_Calendar_Draft_2_12_21.pdf
Please watch this week's video update:
Topics: COVID cases in the county, Vaccinations, Levy Meeting Tonight.
Reminder to ALL families and students: This Friday, March 12th and Monday, March 15th are VIRTUAL DAYS.
Please watch this week's video update:
Topics: Learning Recovery Plan link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaVEq2LTogKAZlEO-mv7n0f_lCcEwG9ZqsuHj73dq-2r-P8Q/viewform?usp=sf_link
Covid Restrictions, Prom and Graduation
Link to the community meeting. I only sent it to Facebook, sorry.
Please watch this week's video update. https://youtu.be/Frp6d2nu30U
Topics: Special Education Family Survey and information about the tax levy meeting scheduled for Wednesday.
Good Afternoon Northwestern Warriors. I will have a Google Meeting with the public on March 3rd at 6:30pm to discuss the operating levy the school has on the May ballot. I will release link to the meeting on March 3rd at 6pm. There will be room for about 250 people in the meeting. I will also run the meeting live on YouTube. Go Warriors!
Please watch this week's video update.
Topics: March 12 & 15th virtual days, Special Education Survey, and Public Meetings in March.
Any Northwestern graduate who has recently enlisted in the US Armed Forces, please send an email to bertholdt@nwlschools.org. We would like to recognize these individuals on our military alumni wall. Thank you!
Northwestern Local Schools are virtual/remote learning today.
Go Warriors!
Northwestern Local Schools will be remote learning/ virtual tomorrow, February 17th.
Keep an eye on the weather forecast for this week, it does look good. I will try to make the school decisions early so people can plan accordingly. If we need to miss more days this week, they will be virtual days.
Go Warriors!
Northwestern Local Schools are closed tomorrow February 16th.
Northwestern Local Schools are virtual today. Students should use their chrome books to login to their virtual classrooms. Go Warriors!
Please watch the video update for this week.
Go Warriors!
Northwestern Local Schools are virtual today. Students should use their chrome books to login to their virtual classrooms.
Go Warriors!
Our Elementary School and ESC Units are cancelled today. No school for our elementary students and ESC unit students. It is a good old fashion calamity day for the elementary school and ESC unit. Jr/ Sr High students should proceed with previously scheduled virtual day.
Go Warriors!