What's for dinner tonight?! Support the NW Track team's fundraiser tonight between 4-8pm at Chipotle. You can even order online and pick it up! See the flyers for more information.
over 3 years ago, Andrea Cox
track 2
Please watch this week's video update: https://youtu.be/LVExP2WFGs8 Topics: Board Meeting Date Changed, Ohio Valley Hospital, Covid Update, and Levy Information.
over 3 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Please watch this week's video update. https://youtu.be/bWPMBCxO_bw Topics: Next School Year and Spring Break!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
The 2021-2022 School Calendar was approved at last night's board meeting. Follow the link:https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1175985/Exhibit_2-_2021-2022_Calendar_Draft_2_12_21.pdf
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Cox
Please watch this week's video update: https://youtu.be/QmxNTDAvHwA Topics: COVID cases in the county, Vaccinations, Levy Meeting Tonight.
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Reminder to ALL families and students: This Friday, March 12th and Monday, March 15th are VIRTUAL DAYS.
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Cox
Please watch this week's video update: https://youtu.be/uFskDztkggY Topics: Learning Recovery Plan link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaVEq2LTogKAZlEO-mv7n0f_lCcEwG9ZqsuHj73dq-2r-P8Q/viewform?usp=sf_link Covid Restrictions, Prom and Graduation
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
https://meet.google.com/stz-zyii-oua Link to the community meeting. I only sent it to Facebook, sorry.
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Please watch this week's video update. https://youtu.be/Frp6d2nu30U Topics: Special Education Family Survey and information about the tax levy meeting scheduled for Wednesday.
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Good Afternoon Northwestern Warriors. I will have a Google Meeting with the public on March 3rd at 6:30pm to discuss the operating levy the school has on the May ballot. I will release link to the meeting on March 3rd at 6pm. There will be room for about 250 people in the meeting. I will also run the meeting live on YouTube. Go Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Please watch this week's video update. https://youtu.be/tnIk0SiK3fU Topics: March 12 & 15th virtual days, Special Education Survey, and Public Meetings in March.
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Any Northwestern graduate who has recently enlisted in the US Armed Forces, please send an email to bertholdt@nwlschools.org. We would like to recognize these individuals on our military alumni wall. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Kitchen
Northwestern Local Schools are virtual/remote learning today. Go Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Northwestern Local Schools will be remote learning/ virtual tomorrow, February 17th.
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Keep an eye on the weather forecast for this week, it does look good. I will try to make the school decisions early so people can plan accordingly. If we need to miss more days this week, they will be virtual days. Go Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Northwestern Local Schools are closed tomorrow February 16th.
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Northwestern Local Schools are virtual today. Students should use their chrome books to login to their virtual classrooms. Go Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Please watch the video update for this week. https://youtu.be/yHX2Krdu1_8 Go Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Northwestern Local Schools are virtual today. Students should use their chrome books to login to their virtual classrooms. Go Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner
Our Elementary School and ESC Units are cancelled today. No school for our elementary students and ESC unit students. It is a good old fashion calamity day for the elementary school and ESC unit. Jr/ Sr High students should proceed with previously scheduled virtual day. Go Warriors!
almost 4 years ago, Jesse Steiner